Friday, December 18, 2009

Teaching 5th Graders at Langley Elementary

One of the highlights of my family's year has been the dedication of a new elementary school in Northside School District in San Antonio in the name of my father Ralph Langley. The staff and students have been so warm and welcoming to us. Yesterday I worked with the art teacher, left, Jessica Allen, to teach a class on portraiture to 90 fifth graders! We had a lot of fun, and three of their classmates served as models. I'm talking about "Jose Ascension de Gasca," a favorite painting (note Longhorns in background).

"Mollie II and III"

After completing a commission of Mollie this summer, I had so many good poses of this great model that I wanted to present her in different moods and sizes. The far painting is smaller, 14x16, and the other is much larger, 20x24.